Monday, May 5, 2008

guess who AGAIN !!

Hi all - here's a short update. Got a new crown! got a haircut! got a bigger belly! am still too lazy to blog very often! love my kids & grandkids. got ma kelly a new digital cam for mothers day with steve & sue. steve won our last golf outing. mowed the lawn today. got accused of denting a ladies car in the SVTC parking lot friday nite - DIDN'T! love Grace Brethren SV church! can't stand gray may & june gloom - actually i hate 'em!!! can't wait to be in kuna, ID & be with tim, tara & my grandkids!! am doin' laundy at the moment. also bloggin. made mahi - mahi on the grill for dinner, we love it. watched one of my favorite movies from 1956 last nite - "vera cruz" - really great. wanna get a digital turntable & put my old vinyl records on cd!!!!!!!!! love my lord & saviour, Jesus!!!
ps - steve took the attached picture!!