Saturday, June 28, 2008

Well, we're back from a fantastic trip to ID. We couldn't have asked for a better trip!! We spent time sittin & visitin', drivin' & visitin', eatin' & visitin' & eatin' a WHOLE LOT!!. We got to rent a cabin about a 100 miles from T n T's house in the Mountains near a beautiful lake, surrounded by a green forest & wildlife. We did chores, visited, talked & ate a WHOLE LOT!!
The trip was blessed from the moment we left Simi til the time we returned. No one was sick (except from too much food & snacks)!
Between Tara & me, we took 700 - 800 pix. I know I'll probably delete about a 100 of mine. Now that I have a digital cam. - I snap way too many pix. But sure is fun to snap away without worrin' about wastin' film!! Well more later - just be glad I did this much - I'm so lazy ya know?

Monday, May 5, 2008

guess who AGAIN !!

Hi all - here's a short update. Got a new crown! got a haircut! got a bigger belly! am still too lazy to blog very often! love my kids & grandkids. got ma kelly a new digital cam for mothers day with steve & sue. steve won our last golf outing. mowed the lawn today. got accused of denting a ladies car in the SVTC parking lot friday nite - DIDN'T! love Grace Brethren SV church! can't stand gray may & june gloom - actually i hate 'em!!! can't wait to be in kuna, ID & be with tim, tara & my grandkids!! am doin' laundy at the moment. also bloggin. made mahi - mahi on the grill for dinner, we love it. watched one of my favorite movies from 1956 last nite - "vera cruz" - really great. wanna get a digital turntable & put my old vinyl records on cd!!!!!!!!! love my lord & saviour, Jesus!!!
ps - steve took the attached picture!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Guess who!

Hi all - haven't blogged lately - so lemme know if ya want me to! Have lot's to say & will if'n anyone has any interest. I dunno why God is so good to me - but I sure ain't gonna question what He's doin!! Biggest news is that Jayne & I have "downsized" by 15 lbs each! my love to all!! mike